About me
Published on: August 28, 2024Welcome
Hi! Welcome to the blog section of my website. This section isn't necessarily going to be computer science related, it's just going to contain whatever ramblings I feel like putting out into the world at the moment. Given that, it might be worthwhile for you to know a little bit about who I am.
Hi! I'm Jonah. As the site hero mentions, at the time of writing this I am just starting my third year of college at UC Berkeley, studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (emphasis on the Computer Science). A bulk of my interest in the field is in frontend, systems, and cyber security. Outside of CS, I enjoy teaching, brewing and drinking coffee, listening to music, and learning about random esoteric things. I am also an advocate for sustainable transportation and affordable housing, so you will sometimes catch me at Berkeley City Council meetings.
Overall, I typically spend my time doing whatever I find interesting in the moment, so I am often somewhat sporadic. For instance, at the start of the summer I impulsively spent 2 days creating a link shortener that uses a Github Gist as a database and Next.js as a router just because the thought entered my mind that it was possible and then I had to do it.

Coffee Setup
One may be curious as to what I brew on/with. Currently, I grind my coffee using a DF54 Grinder and pull espresso using a Gaggia Classic Pro. When making milk drinks, my milk of choice is Minor Figures Barista Oatmilk and I source my coffee from whatever local coffee shop I'm enjoying that week (usually Mind Coffee or Jaffa Coffee Roasters). When I don't feel like espresso, I will brew a Hario v60 using James Hoffman's v60 method. Note that none of these links are affiliate links or anything, I just like sharing the things that work for me.

I listen to a lot of music from all sorts of artists across many genres. I tend to come back to pop and folk punk, indie rock, and bedroom pop most frequently, but I listen to a whole lot of everything in large quantities. Someday I might make a widget for this site, but until then you can check out my listening stats, including who and what I'm enjoying at the moment, on my last.fm.